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Hotelarious was found in 2016 by a Hotelier, Komang Swesen, who has been in the hospitality industry for more than two decades. It's aimed to run a few sectors that are related to hotel things i.e. accommodation agency, which is helping people finding the right accommodation for the right purposes including corporate, yoga, retreat, wedding and many more; food and beverage businesses including cafe/restaurant, chef on call, catering and bartending services; and, education: we have been helping numbers of resorts improving their customer services through tailor-made-training and he also published two books about Butler entitled "Mendulang Uang dan Karir di Dunia Butler" and "Magic Butler" within the last two years in 2016.


In relation to education, Hotelarious were launched education program so called HOSES Program, which is Hotelarious Snowball Education Support. The program is running in two ways: first, Hotelarious will consistency support one (or more) student to study at hotel school, and lead them to improve and get a job in a hotel oversea or cruise ships. Once they get a job they need to pay forward the program by providing exactly the same privilege to new student, and the story goes on like snowball.


On the other hand, Hotelarious is collaborating with a well established (complete with legal aspects) humanity foundation called Yayasan Bhumi Bali Swari (YBBS). The foundation is started helping people since last October 2022 and already completed more than thirty social activities. Its mission is covering three sectors i.e. education support, humanitarian and religion-related-acts. Hotelarious is one of many contributor/donors that keep the foundation idle so far. 

Tooth filing ceremony in October 2022
Food support to people affected by natural disaster in Jembrana
Yayasan Bhumi Bali Swari
Book 2 entitled Magic Butler
First book entitled Mendulang Uang dan Karir di Dunia Butler


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